We created this site to make an online writer's notebook to capture the memories, interests, and interesting events in our families life. We hope to publish it regularly and use it as a evolving piece of history - a historical artifact if you will - that our family can enjoy for generations to come. So follow our adventures as our small happy family enjoys life
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The One With the Happy New Year's Eve
Today is New Year's Eve 2019. It is great to look back at 2019 and see what it brought us:
• Trip to Disney World
• Emmie got to teach her dream grade
• Bri played field hockey and made cast in her play
• Kiff won another Flag Football championship
• We got to spend night in Boston in May!
• We went to North Conway, Newport, and Sturbridge
2019 was a fabulous year
The One With Our Christmas Week
We had a very busy - but fun - Christmas week. Here's a look at what we did:
December 23: Christmas with Dad's family
December 24: Christmas breakfast with Nani; Christmas Children's Service
December 25: Brunch; Christmas gifts; Dinner with Nanny and Grandpa
December 26: Emmie out for Dinner with her family; Kiff and Bri went to dinner with Dad; Nani xray
December 27: Kiff day with Dad and saw Spies in Disguise; Bri day with mom and saw Little Women
December 28: Christmas with Emmie's family
December 29: Star Wars 9 Movie Day
December 30: Snow-sleet-freezing rain day with Irish Stew.
It was busy!!!
The One With the Christmas Movie List
Here is a list of the Christmas movies and specials we watched this year:
Christmas Vacation (11/28)
Fred Claus (12/2)
Cartoon Grinch Stole Christmas (11/29)
White Christmas (11/23)
Miracle on 34th Street (new one)
The Christmas Story (11/24)
Muppet Christmas Carol (12/2)
Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer (12/2)
Christmas in Connecticut (first time we saw that...very cute)
It's a Wonderful Life
Charlie Brown Christmas
Twas the Night before Christmas (mouse version).
The One with the Rise of Skywalker
Two days ago, we saw the Rise of Skywalker. This is the culmination of the recent three sequel trilogy to the original Star Wars.
It is being billed as the end of the Skywalker saga (which is hard to believe because it has endured for 42 years). However, at the end, it made it readily apparent that the Skywalker saga was clearly ready to continue whenever Lucasfilm might decide to extend the series.
It was a fitting last film in the installment. It definitely tried to do a lot to wrap it up - a far cry from Revenge of the Sith, or Return of the Jedi. But, it worked on many levels and was exciting in its own right.
It was also great to see Lando Calrissian back.
Do I think it will be the last Star Wars movie? Never...but it wouldn't surprise me if it takes a few years for a new trilogy to be presented. Besides, how many times can the Dark Side keep gaining the upper hand over the Force!
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The One With Our Favorite Christmas Shows
Today, at our Christmas Brunch, we listed our favorite Christmas movie and special. Here's how it turned out.
Special - Twas the Night Before Christmas (mouse version)
Movie - Muppet Christmas Carol and It's a Wonderful Life
Special - Monkey Christmas
Movie - Bad Mom's Christmas
Special - Mickey Christmas Carol
Movie - Home Alone
Movie - Christmas Story
Special -
1. Charlie Brown Christmas
2. Yogi Bear Christmas
3. Mr. Magoo Christmas Carol
4. Mickey's Christmas Carol
5. How the Grinch Stole Christmas
6. Twas the Night Before Christmas (mouse version)
7. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
The One With The Merry Christmas
Christmas 2019 arrived....it is 12:43, the kids opened all their presents and we are watching the Celtics!
Ahhhhh, Merry Christmas
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The One with Our Christmas Activities Over Time
I was trying to brainstorm over the years the many different Christmas activities we've done as a family. So I decided to archive them.
Here's what I got so far:
1. Santa by the Sea (Danvers event) - multiple times.
2. Danvers Tree Lighting - nearly every year.
3. Edaville - about three times.
4. Santa's Village - once at Christmas time...it snowed.
5. Enchanted Village - many times
6. Polar Express at Museum of Science
7. Seeing the Man Who Invented Christmas
8. Salem Christms Carol Trolley
9. Salem Grinch Who Stole Christmas play
10. Christmas Carol (at Hanover Theater)
11. Nutcracker in Boston - several times
12. Christmas Open House Danvers Library
13. Sturbridge Village Christmas by Candlelight
14. Christmas at the Newport Mansions - twice
The One With the Christmas Carol
Last night, Emmie, Bri, Kiff, and I had the opportunity to attend the Christmas Carol at the Hanover Theater.
We haven't been in a few years, but always look forward to it. And it did not disappoint. The show is an absolute treasure. We've actually watched the show when it was run at the Stoneham Theater many years ago. Although the show moved to the Hanover in 2008, the original charm, character, and beauty of the show continues to this day.
The mixture of Victorian carols with narration and acting is the perfect blend. The show is truly heartwarming and the perfect way to ring in Christmas week. The sets are lush and lavish, opening up like small books, which is fun. Along with that, it literally snows from the ceiling.
Even neater is that they have a Mighty Wurlitzer organ which plays much of the music during the show. In honor of the end of the Skywalker Saga, they played the Star Wars theme as we left the building. What a great touch!!!
This is a show everyone should see.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
The One With Kiff's Basketball Game
Kiff had his second basketball game of the winter season. So far, so good.
This season has been more competitive than the last, which is fun. It also involves an older age bracket, which adds to the challenge.
Still, Kiff played a good game yesterday. He scored a basket, got a steal, and played solid defense. His team won by four points.
The only drawback is he had his earrings on and had to take them out during the game. Always fun.
Here's looking forward to next week's game.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The One With The First Week of December
The first week of December is always an event, as we get ready for Christmas.
Here is what this week brought:
2 snow days
1 Christmas Tree Up
1 Charlie Brown Christmas special (always fun to watch)
1 First meeting of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang for Bri
1 Cub Scout meeting where Kiff and crew built a game using Scratch.mit
1 Viewing of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer where we laughed at how politically incorrect it is now
1 Half day for Bri, Kiff, and Dad
1 Viewing of It's a Wonderful Life
1 Big Celtics win vs. the Nuggets last night
1 Bruins winning streak coming to an end in overtime.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
The One With a Happy Thanksgiving
Today is Thanksgiving 2019.
There is much to be thankful for...
Here's wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The One With Kiff's Box Score
Last Sunday, Kiff played in the championship game for his Grade 3-5 basketball league. It was a fun game and his team ultimately won the championship. Kiff did his best Bruce Bowen as well, limiting the top scorer from the other team to 6 total points....down from 22 the last game.
Here is his box score for the last game...
4 points
11 rebounds
3 steals
3 fouls
2 turnovers
3 forced turnovers
What a great last game.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The One With The Happy Birthday
It is hard to believe, but Kiff is eleven. How did that happen? It went by so fast!
How did we celebrate. We...
1. had a cherry pancake breakfast (one of his favorites)
2. did our scavenger hunt, which is a tradition
3. went to visit Nanny
4. ate at Olive Garden
5. went to In The Game
6. came home to blow out candles on the cake and open gifts
7. played DogOpoly and had snacks
8. watched CHiPS the movie
9. ate cake
What day for a great kid!!!
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The One With Sam
We got a new cat this week. His name is Sam. Now, obviously, he won't take the place of our older buddies. That is impossible. But, he is amazing!
Monday, October 14, 2019
The One With The Topsfield Fair
Today, we returned to the Topsfield Fair for the first time in many years. We had a blast.
We arrived at the back gate early (right before the Fair opened). It was great timing...evening for the last day of the fair. We didn't have to park too far from the gate.
The line was pretty quick and we were able to get in fast.
We were able to see Duck and Pig races (the latter was one that Emmie really wanted to see). Kiff and Bri got henna art on their arms. And, we were able to get some fried dough - always a must at the Fair.
The smells of the fair are still the same - unmistakable - which is always fun.
We did get a chance to see goats, cows, and sheep.
And of course, we got an opportunity to see the Great Pumpkin...which is something I always enjoy. The best part is that we also got giant pumpkin seeds. Totally fun!!! We cannot wait to try them.
We also visited the Bee Keeper Exhibit and made beeswax candles. I learned that they even have bee school to learn about bee keeping. It always starts in February and occurs on Tuesday nights. I think I might have to check it out.
All in all a fun day!
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The One With The Off Day
Wednesday of this week Emmie and I had another day off from school.
It was cool. We turned it into a date day.
We went out to breakfast.
We went to the Christmas Tree Shop.
We did a little Halloween decorating.
We saw Scary Stories to tell in the Dark (cool movie).
All and all, another fun day!
Saturday, October 5, 2019
The One With The Day Off
Emmie and I got a chance to enjoy a rare date day this week. We had a off day while the kids had school.
How did we enjoy the day?
1. Walked Kiff to school
2. Got breakfast
3. Did a little shopping
4. Got Panera soups
5. Enjoy Downton Abbey, the movie.
It was a great date day. I cannot wait to do it again.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The One With The Long Week
This week was long and exhausting. We had:
Two field hockey games
A basketball game game
Baseball tryouts post poned
One Open House
One Staff Development Meeting
Four dances classes
Lots of homework
Two days afterschool where kids could stay
A cub scout opening meeting
Field hockey practice
... and a partridge in a pear tree
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Monday, September 9, 2019
The One Where We Lost Murray
It was so sad....but earlier today, our kitty buddy and friend left us. It was a sad day for all and one that, although we saw coming, still seemed to come to early.
Poor Murray cat.
But he had a heck of a run at 22 and a half years.
He had a long and lovely life with us. And gave us lots of memories. But, he will truly be missed.
We love you Murray!
Saturday, September 7, 2019
The One With The First Two Weeks of School
And so it happened....
September is upon is and with it - the first weeks of school.
It seems to have worked out well for everyone.
Kiff is enjoying his classes.
Bri is thoroughly enjoying hers.
Emmie has a great group of kids.
And I do to, in a new modular.
Always fun to have school around again
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The One With The Crazy Gas Station Goers
Did you ever have one of those five minute periods where you shake your head at everyone you meet in a five minute stretch. I did earlier today when I was getting gas. And, boy, did it stick in my craw.
First, as I was pulling into the station itself, a Porsche Cheyenne owner also pulled in and sort of stopped to try to figure out where to go. I had to try to move out of his way because his decision to stop left me in the road. As I tried to go around him he decided to move forward.
As he moved into position in front of a Toyota that was trying to get gas I realized I would have to go on the other side. I turned the corner to get ready to go on the other side when a red car blew right into my spot. Argh. So, I actually had to leave the lot, turn the corner, and come in again.
This time, I positioned myself behind the Toyota, assuming the lady pumping the gas would eventually move. While I waited for her to pump gas - it took some time - and guy turned around in a dark blue car at the pump on the other side of her (which is something I could have done), behind the red car. As soon as he gets out, he unlatches his gas cap and grabs the gas pump....which a lit cigarette in hand. Fortunately, he didn't blow up the entire neighborhood.
I watched as he doused the cigarette and pumped gas. Meanwhile, the Toyota lady finally finished pumping and walked in front of her car. I was home free...she was ready to leave.
Or so I thought. A few moments passed and she never remerged. She literally disappeared. Where she went, I don't know. I am hoping she made it back to her car....but it was like a ghost was there.
I moved around the Toyota to go to a whole new bank of pumps, only to have a large truck pull into the pump I was aiming for. And, he could barely fit and had to back up, almost hitting me.
Needless to say, I had enough. I left (to come back successfully ten minutes later). Fortunately, I had Emmie, Kiff, and Bri with me, otherwise I might have thought I was dreaming.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
The One Where Emmie Passes the SEI Test
Ah, the bane of every Massachusetts' teachers existence. The SEI dilemma. Do I take the course (all teachers have heard about that) or do I take the test (they've heard about that, too)?
What to do? What to do? What to do?
Well, recently, Emmie had to make that choice. I gave her a lot of feedback I had received about the course - which is one of several reasons I took the test - and she decided to give the test a go.
Now, I have to admit that the test is not one of the better constructed ones by Pearson, who normally do a pretty good job with these MTELs. This one has some flaws, but with some sound studying and strategy, I know I did well. But that essay - ZOINKS!
And that is what happened with Emmie. She studied a lot (I passed along my old resources to her...and there are so many better ones out now). She took the test. And got her feedback last night.
And she passed. And she did better than me on the essay, which I hope improved in nature since I took it!
Very impressive. Congratulations Emmie
Saturday, August 10, 2019
The One With A List of Places We Have Been
We are planning to create a traveling in New England website and are trying to put together a list of places we have gone. This includes:
Sturbridge/ Sturbridge Village
Hanover Theater
Salem/Salem Willows/National Park/Shore
Walden Woods
Battle Lexington and Concord/Minuteman Park
Sandwich/Heritage Plantation
Edaville Railroad
Winthrop/View of Air Planes at Logan
Patton Park
Wenham Museum
Boston Museum of Science
New England Aquarium
Hard Rock Boston
Columbus Park/North End
Boston Tea Party Museum
Blue Hill
Newbury Street
Boston Common/Boston Public Garden
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
The One With Our 15th Anniversary
Fifteen years ago today, Emmie and I got married.
It is amazing that so much time has passed!!!
Happy anniversary my true love!
Saturday, July 27, 2019
The One With Our Movie List
We are trying to create our movie list for the summer....
So far we've seen
Secret Life of Pets 2
Spiderman 2
The Lion King
I love summer movies!
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The One With The 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing
It is hard to believe, but today is the 50th anniversary of the Moon Landing. I was definitely not alive to see the first one (nor was Emmie, or Bri, or Kiff), but it has always been one of those hallmark moments in life.
Growing up, it was even more of a moment because our next door neighbor for a time was an astronaut who eventually rode on the shuttle. Seeing someone training for space missions was always so inspiring (not to mention he sometimes came next door and shot baskets on our hoop with us).
It is hard to believe that 50 years have passed since that memorable day. As we looked at the moon this week in Florida, it made it even more amazing that it has been so long since a return.
Happy Golden Anniversary
Saturday, July 13, 2019
The One With the Magic Kingdom
We visited the Magic Kingdom last night and had a blast, despite the fact that there was a 3 inch deluge that we had to wait out.
A few things we did at first were:
• Peter Pan's Flight (our first ride)
• Prince Charming's Carousel
• It's A Small World
After that, we went to Cinderella's Castle for Dinner. That was a fantastic time. We arrived and had the chance to meet Cinderella - always a royal good time. Then, we went up into the upper room of Cinderella's castle where her restaurant was. What a fabulous time!
There we had a great dinner, complete with visits from Aurora, Ariel, Snow White, and Jasmine. That was fabulous.
Bri and Kiff got autographs from the princesses as well as our kind waiter, James.
To top it off, the fireworks were happening outside as we ate, which was an extraordinary experience to witness in the park.
What an awesome time.
Cinderella's Castle,
Disney World,
Magic Kingdom
Monday, July 1, 2019
The One Where We Review June
June was a busy month. As the Carousel song said, it was busting out all over. Here's the wildness that the month brought us this year.
My school trips including Museum of Science and Field Day
Emmie school wrap ups.
Kiff's concert at school
Bri's work share day
Kiff's short playoff run for baseball
Bri's longer playoff run for softball
Kiff's superbowl win in flag football
Father's Day Brunch (yum)
Uncle Eric's party
Katie and Anna's recital
Visit to Cape (that included...)
Mon June 24: Smuggler's Beach and BBW restaurant
Tue June 25: Windmill Beach visit, Secret Life Pets 2, Toly's pizza with Uncle Mark, Aunt Carol,
Wed June 26: Go Karts, Katie's Seafood (first time there), Picnic at Stony Brook Grist Mill, Duck
Tour, supper at Dockside (first time there, too)
Thu June 27: Go Carts, Trampoline, Lunch at Lanyards
NKOTB (Fri June 28)
Library Book Sale (Sat June 29)
Phew....what a busy month!
Saturday, June 29, 2019
The One With The NKOTB Mix Tape Tour
Last night, we went to the NKOTB Mix Tape Tour at the Boston Garden. As a closet New Kids fan growing up (yes, I have to admit I liked a few of their songs), it is always fun to listen to their music. Since marrying Emmie, however, I have become a card carrying member of their fan club.
I've had the pleasure of going to several concerts. And, last night was no exception. However, there was one thing that was new about this concert - we took Bri and Kiff with us. That was an experience.
The concert included not only the New Kids, but Debbie Gibson (in a great costume), Tiffany, Naughty by Nature, and Salt and Pepper. What a concert.
And Donnie and Joey both got emotional at times. To top it off, we saw three different people we knew at different times during the concert.
What a memory!
Saturday, June 22, 2019
The One With The End of Softball
Softball came to an end this week for Bri with a surprising run. Her team, which finished last, was able to make it into the playoffs.
They actually won two games (against the number 6 and number 3 teams). Eventually, the run came to an end this Wednesday against the number 2 team.
However, it was a fabulous season...and she is looking forward to next year already.
On to off season training.
Saturday, June 15, 2019
The One With Four Games in One Day and a Superbowl Win
Today, was quite a day. It was the day that we had an epic series of events. It started with the Brown Family recital, which we left for at 11:30.
After that, we had a marathon race that included the following:
3:00 Kiff had a playoff game, where, unfortunately, the Reds suffered a 10-1 loss.
6:00 Bri had a playoff game against the best team. Her team, young, with only two wins, won 20 - 6.
7:15 We had to split shift so Kiff could go to flag football for a playoff game. His team one game one in a nailbiter 34 to 30.
8:15 Following that game Kiff ended up in the Superbowl. His team won the game. It was his fourth superbowl visit and second win!
An amazing day. We topped it off by going to the Roadhouse for supper. It is now exactly 12 hours since we began the day (11:30 PM). Wow!
Saturday, June 8, 2019
The One With We Are The World
Last week (May 29 to be exact) I had an experience that has never happened before at our middle school. During the 5th grade chorus concert, I was invited to take part in one of the songs. Mr. G, who knows of my beloved fondness for "We Are The World" invited me to sing the song with the fifth grade if I wanted.
Now, I have a long-standing grudge with this song that dates back to over-analyzing it in 7th grade back in the 1980s at the same school I teach. Sure, the song is wonderful, and has a great message, and the story behind it is truly amazing. However, that being said, we studied the song so much, that it has ended up on my "NEVER TO BE SUNG AGAIN" list.
However, when students started showing up to my classroom singing it after I joked how much I disliked it, I decided I had to find out if it was going to be part of the 5th grade chorus. Indeed, Mr. G decided to add it to the sing list.
Well, one thing led to another, and students asked if they could sing it well, would I be willing to join them on stage singing it. It actually sounded like fun (and motivational).
It was awesome! I sang that first song on stage (Bri, Kiff, and Emmie were there to see it, as was one of Emmie's former partner teachers from the Brown School in Peabody). And, I have to admit that I really had a blast, enjoyed being on stage with the students (who cheered when I walked in the room before we went out to sing), and even liked the song.
Who would have thought that 30 years later, in the same school that I learned to dislike the song, I would learn to like it.
Saturday, June 1, 2019
The One With The Bruins Win
The Stanley Cup Finals began in Boston this week. Boston won the first game against the Blues. However, the Blues roared back with a game 2 win. Just a short time ago, the Bruins took a 2-1 series lead with a decisive 7-2 win over the Blues
Sunday, May 19, 2019
The One With Kiff In Goal
Today, something a little bit different happened today. On the Lacrosse Day for our town - complete with parade, T-shirt vendors, and Wahlburgers on a grill (fun experience), Kiff played his second to last game and did something I never dream of.
He played goalie...for the whole game.
Truth be told, he was more of a goalie in training. He let in some goals - about eight in fact - but he played really well. He stopped several shots, blocked one with his body, and even went after some loose balls. He also checked a player out of the crease.
All and all a pretty good debut.
The One With The Recital
It came upon us again. That wild time of year. When dance converges on the city of Lawrence in our annual recital!
And once again, it did not disappoint. Bri and Kiff did a great job with their dances. And it truly marked a milestone in many ways.
First, they both smiled throughout their dances....something that they have been working hard to do.
Second, Kiff took a risk and added something to his own dance to give it character at the end of Girls Like You. This was not easy for him to do at first, but he realized it was a chance to try add be an actor as well as a dancer.
Finally, it was clear that Bri has become a more competent and older dancer. Her group was fabulous - particularly during the country dance they did. You can tell she had a blast. But along with that, you can tell she is moving her way up the ranks. Her group was in the first five to take stage to bow....which is almost always done based on age and experience.
What a fabulous way to end a memorable dance year. Here's looking forward to many more.
Sunday, May 5, 2019
The One Where Bri Turns Twelve
Sometimes life reminds you of how far you've come. You know, those moments when you stop, have a chance to reflect, and see just what you've accomplished.
This past week, we had one of those moments. We got a chance to stop and see just how far we've come as a family.
This week, Bri turned 12. It was hard to believe. When we started out online journal, Bri was still so young. So, was Kiff. But, in the blink of an eye, she is a twelve year old, on the threshold of being a teen.
It all happened so fast. So quick. So amazingly quick.
And yet, she is still our Bri. And what an amazing time we had. We let her pick her day. And, she wanted to do none other then go out to breakfast and then go to the Museum of Science.
She truly is amazing.
Happy 12th Birthday Bri.
We love you.
12th birthday,
Museum of Science
Sunday, April 28, 2019
The One With The Quiet Sunday
Ahhhh, this is the first quiet Sunday we have had in some time. We just did Bri's birthday party last night...a week after Easter, two weeks after a family Easter, and three weeks after another family party.
It is nice to take it a little slow...as a type this....even though we will have a Celtics game to watch, a Dr. appoint, a birthday party, and lacrosse later.
Saturday, April 27, 2019
The One With the Wacky Saturday
There was a lot going on today (Saturday April 27).
First, Bri and Kiff had dance class, which meant an early rise for everyone.
Then, Emmie and I went out to our weekly breakfast. However, because it was Bri's birthday party day, we also had to scramble to run errands and make sure the house was set for the pah-ty.
After, we had to get Kiff to opening day of baseball. He played left field and third. His team won 15 - 3 and he scored a run on a walk.
After that, we had Bri's party.
That was quite a day!
Saturday, April 20, 2019
The One With the Labyrinth on Good Friday
Yesterday, Mom#2, Dad#2, and I went on something a little different for Good Friday. We attended a labyrinth that focused on remembering Jesus and his death. It was fascinating, insightful, and introspective.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
The One With Seven on Seven
Today, began another flag football season. This one had a little bit of intrigue to it. This was the first time that we played 7 on 7.
It was quite interesting. There were some new rules to this game, which made it a challenge. And there was definitely a faster pace. But, it was super fun to watch.
Although Kiff's team, the Blizzard, lost 38-6, it was actually a lot closer than that. The teams had a great first half, where they were only down 14-6. Kiff had two good runs, several solid pass defenses, including one on a kid that was five times his size (okay, that was an exaggeration...three times his size). He also had a sack of the QB.
Looking forward to more of these.
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Saturday, March 30, 2019
The One With the Flag Football Superbowl
It was an epic clash. Cyclones vs. Thunder. For all the marbles.
And it did not disappoint.
Today, Kiff played in his second superbowl for flag football and it was a ton of fun. Although the game started off well, it did result in a tough loss. However, despite the loss, it was a memorable day...and friends won.
In our five seasons of flag football, we've been Super Bowling twice which is pretty neat. Who knows what will happen next time we hit the gridiron.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
The One With The School Musical
It is an annual tradition that always seems to sneak up on me. The week of our annual school musical.
For 23 years I have been part of the musical at our school. In fact, it has become a favorite part of my time as a teacher. Like my parents before me, who spent years dedicated to theater, I have been a part of productions for many years.
It is hard to believe we have actually presented 23 plays at our school. The tradition continued this week as our school presented the student version of Crazy For You. Although I was unfamiliar with this show, it did not disappoint.
As usual, our students were fabulous and did a great job as cast and crew. The music was lively and fun, reflecting the life and times of the Gershwins.
What a great play! Today with completed the second and third performance. Tomorrow will be closing night!
It will definitely be a memorable event!
Saturday, March 16, 2019
The One With Bob Ross
Earlier this week, we happened to be watching PBS when a neat thing happened. As part of the yearly PBS let's make money weeks, they had a special about Bob Ross and how he has continued to influence people.
Because Bri and Kiff like to draw, we decided to introduce them to the fabled artist. And they were not disappointed. They watched an episode where Bob Ross painted a winter scene. It was amazing.
And as relaxing as always.
It was fun to introduce a new generation to Bob Ross and see how they reacted to him. He was an amazing man.
Saturday, March 9, 2019
The One With Lacrosse
Kiff has a neat thing happen this week. After months of talking about it, he decided to finally go through and try lacrosse. This week, he had the chance to go to three practices to learn how to play.
Needless to say, he was a little nervous, but he learned to be interested in it and give it a try. He thinks he's going to like playing it!
The One With Captain Marvel
Last night, we were able to enjoy the advance tickets we bought to Captain Marvel earlier in the week. The key figure who will play a main role in Avengers Endgame, Carole Danvers (hey our town's namesake), had to be introduced, and this move did not disappoint.
First, it was definitely a FOUR STAR movie. The action, the pace, and the story-line were clever. It was a little hard to follow at first as we are plunged into a science fiction story that is a little displaced, but once the dust settles, it is easy to understand in a clear, cohesive manner.
The story is fun, action-packed, and enjoyable. It is standard Marvel flair with a little twist. It helps to explain some of the different nuances in the Avengers storylines, from where the name of the Avengers comes from to the discovery of the Tesseract, and the reason Nick Fury has an eyepatch.
Even more incredible was the use of CGI to make Nick Fury and Agent Coulson young. AMAZING! Captain Marvel was captivating and an interesting character and we learn where the pager came from the Nick Fury uses to page her at the and of Infinity Wars.
And make sure to stick to the end for two neat little end previews, including one to rev us up for Avengers:Endgame.
Oh, and one other nice thing - they have a great little intro to honor Stan Lee. May he rest in pace. For all you Marvel fans, this is a must see.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
The One with Our February Vacation
A List of What We Did This February Vacation:
Our Chronicle Getaway to Maine
Anchorage by the Sea
Went on the Marginal Walk
Ate a good lunch at Bessie's Cafe
Good Time at Pool
Went to Yummies...got fortune gum from the 1980s
Nice Meal at Beach Fire
Had a quick, but great lunch at Stonewall Kitchen
Had great supper at Maine Diner
Our Rhode Island Getaway
Went to Hotel Viking
Attended Fire and Ice Bar
Had Smores by Firepit
Got Charlie's Cupcakes
Enjoyed the pool
Our Chronicle Getaway to Maine
Anchorage by the Sea
Went on the Marginal Walk
Ate a good lunch at Bessie's Cafe
Good Time at Pool
Went to Yummies...got fortune gum from the 1980s
Nice Meal at Beach Fire
Had a quick, but great lunch at Stonewall Kitchen
Had great supper at Maine Diner
Our Rhode Island Getaway
Went to Hotel Viking
Attended Fire and Ice Bar
Had Smores by Firepit
Got Charlie's Cupcakes
Enjoyed the pool
Saturday, February 16, 2019
The One With Vacation
At last
It has arrived
The first Saturday
of February vacation...
much needed!!!
It has arrived
The first Saturday
of February vacation...
much needed!!!
Sunday, February 3, 2019
The One Where the Patriots Win Their Sixth Superbowl!
It is 10:10 PM on Sunday February 3rd and the Patriots have made history (and tied it, too). The Patriots won Superbowl 53 13 -3 over the Rams 17 years to the day they won their first one against the Rams.
If was a tough defensive game with the score tied at 3 going into the 4th quarter. However, an amazing series of catches by Edelman and Gronkowski, with a TD run by Michel put them on top and a Gostkowski field goal sealed the deal.
This means the Pats - the goof troop of teams when I was a kid - are tied with the Steelers for the most Super Bowls of all time.
Congratulations Super Bowl Champions New England Patriots
Patriots Win,
Super Bowl,
Super Bowl 53
Saturday, February 2, 2019
The One With Kiff's First Wiinter Flag Football
Today marked Kiff's first winter flag football game in Toppsfield. We were looking forward to checking out the new season in a new league.
It did not disappoint. I am helping out again with the team - which is always fun - and had a blast!
We were not too sure what to expect because we learned there are some players new to flag. However, the team did an amazing job, scoring more than 60 points in the first game....right on the eve of Super Bowl 53 between the Pats and Rams.
A job well done. Onto game 2
The One With Groundhog's Day
Today was Groundhog's Day. As with our typical tradition, we watched Groundhog's Day (after participating in Ice Cream for Breakfast Day as well as Kiff's first winter flag football game).
The Groundhog did not see his shadow - as shown as in the clip below - indicating winter is almost over. Nice!
The One With Ice Cream For Breakfast

Though we were hardly the only ones there - in fact there were about 30 people waiting when we arrived, we were still standing in line much shorter than normal.
Our choices for this occasion.
Bri - Cinnamon Bun
Emmie - Coffee and Donut
Chiff - Fudge (for Bruins)
Me - Maple and Bacon
Thanks again to Cherry Hill for another special event!
Sunday, January 20, 2019
The One With the Patriots Returning to the Superbowl
Earlier this evening, the Patriots did what many thought was the impossible. They won the AFC Championship with a 37-31 OT victory over the Kansas City Chiefs. It was an amazing game with so many subplots:
Old QB vs. Future QB
Bill Belichick vs. Andy Reid
Gronk vs. Kelce
Brady vs the World
It was a tough game with excellent defense by the Pats as they went into the half up 14 to 0. However, we all know that KC has been tough all year and because they were the home team - and the Pats have had trouble on the road in the playoffs - all signs pointed to a comeback. And they did, taking the lead in the 4th quarter and then tying the game with 11 seconds left to play. Wow!
However, Tom Brady, who has shown signs of age this season, showed what he had when he needed it most, orchestrating a masterful lead drive in OT, and guiding the Pats to their 11 ever AFC Championship!
Amazing! Now onto the Superbowl, where they will meet the LA Rams (the team, though from St. Louis, that they beat to win their first Superbowl). In the proverbial words of 1980s Bostonians...Beat LA.
AFC Championship,
Patriots Win,
Super Bowl
Saturday, January 19, 2019
The One With Bri's Big Week
Wow....this was a busy week in our little neck of the woods. In fact, it was the week of Bri.
On Monday, Bri had to attend a school committee meeting. There, she and several of her other sixth grade classmates were honored for having their pictures selected in the local DPW calendar. That was a fabulous event!
On Tuesday, Bri had her first middle school concert. It was a blast watching her playing flute on stage for the first concert this year. She did a great job and looked much like a middle school student on stage.
Then, we wrapped up the week where she volunteered for a "Friday Fun" night for her school. She and some friends helped run activities at the event....which she had a lot of fun at.
Overall, it was pretty exhausting this week...but pretty fun!
busy week,
school committee,
sixth grade
Saturday, January 12, 2019
The One Where the Celtics are Brutal
I am watching the Celtics game and they are just awful.
They should be destroying the Magic.
They are losing by 7.
They are so talented and yet are awful. I don't get it.
They should be destroying the Magic.
They are losing by 7.
They are so talented and yet are awful. I don't get it.
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