We created this site to make an online writer's notebook to capture the memories, interests, and interesting events in our families life. We hope to publish it regularly and use it as a evolving piece of history - a historical artifact if you will - that our family can enjoy for generations to come. So follow our adventures as our small happy family enjoys life
Sunday, December 31, 2017
The One With New Year's Eve
Happy New Year's Eve. 2017 turned out to be a great year and we're looking forward to ringing in 2018 in a few hours.
We ended the year with a nice overnighter to Sturbridge. Once there, we were able to enjoy something that we had never had the chance to do - Christmas by Candlelight at the Village. It was great! Definitely a first rate experience and one with a ton of fun. The night started off chilly and bleak, with some snow. While we were there, the snow ended, the temperature dropped, but the memories kept piling up. From a visit to Bob Crachit's house, to going through the Towne House and seeing a 1830s, 1850s, and 1870s New England Christmas, we had a blast. We also had out own personal serenade from a caroling quartet. It was perfect!
It proved to be a fun holiday season, that included:
Christmas by Candlelight
Winter Walk at Ipswich sanctuary
Enchanted Village
Several movie nights where we watched Christmas movies together
Seeing "The Man Who Invented Christmas" (which was the perfect way to start the season)
Here is wishing everyone a Happy New Year!
Saturday, December 30, 2017
The One With The New Star Wars
This past week, we saw the new Star Wars. Needless to say, it was a solid movie....but one that left us with a LOT of questions.
There were characters added, events that occur, and even ways of the Force that were not fully explained. Logically, it appears these will be answered in a subsequent movie.
It was great to see Luke have a role in this movie. He definitely is much more jaded....and still whiny. He even cracks an awesome joke when he says to Kylo Ren "See you around kid."
There was a dedication to Carrie Fisher at the end as well, which was a sweet touch.
Old friend Yoda came back and was a puppet this time - similar to when he was seen last in Return of the Jedi. He even makes a joke.
Overall, a good movie....that has left me wondering.
The One With the Merry Christmas
This past week was Christmas. And what a Christmas it was. For the first time in some time, we had a white Christmas. It actually snowed on Christmas.
The house was nice and cozy as we had it all lit up with out Christmas lights.
We slowly opened gifts during the course of the day....which made for a peaceful and quaint day.
Here's wishing all a Merry Christmas.
Saturday, December 16, 2017
The One With The Family Christmas Party
Today was the day of the family Christmas party.
Always a fun time.
A lot of good laughs, good memories, and good food....and great snacks.
I always look forward to this day!
We also got our backyard light display up....with the cool C-9 bulbs. Love those.
Saturday, December 9, 2017
The One With The First Snowfall
At last, it arrived.....like a stealthy cat....the first snow of the year.
It crept up and came from the south.
A fluffy snow of white.... they first snow!
Winter is here!
Saturday, December 2, 2017
The One With The Tree Lighting
Today was the annual town tree lighting and - as in the past few years - we decided to venture out and experience some of the other things it has to offer. And we were not disappointed.
First, we made a stop at the Cherry Street Market. We got some delicious clam chowder that they had to offer. It was great. We never even knew they served chowder there, so we learned it was a must visit after that.
Next, we toured downtown and partook of a few of the goodies they had to offer, including meatballs, popcorn, chicken fingers, and cookies....all free and equally delicious. There were even a few treat bags for Bri and Kiff to snag.
After, we attended the annual Girl Scout caroling event, which is always a special take! It was a lot of fun....and only about 15 minutes, too, which was just enough time for us to head down and watch Santa arrive by fire engine before turning on the tree lights in the square.
We saw plenty of folks out that we knew, too, which made it a true community event.
We came home, enjoyed some grub from the 99 and we watched The Christmas Story (for the first time not on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, but on DVD). All in all, a great day!
First, we made a stop at the Cherry Street Market. We got some delicious clam chowder that they had to offer. It was great. We never even knew they served chowder there, so we learned it was a must visit after that.
Next, we toured downtown and partook of a few of the goodies they had to offer, including meatballs, popcorn, chicken fingers, and cookies....all free and equally delicious. There were even a few treat bags for Bri and Kiff to snag.
After, we attended the annual Girl Scout caroling event, which is always a special take! It was a lot of fun....and only about 15 minutes, too, which was just enough time for us to head down and watch Santa arrive by fire engine before turning on the tree lights in the square.
We saw plenty of folks out that we knew, too, which made it a true community event.
We came home, enjoyed some grub from the 99 and we watched The Christmas Story (for the first time not on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, but on DVD). All in all, a great day!
Cherry Street Market,
tree lighting
Friday, November 24, 2017
The One With The Happy Thanksgiving
Yesterday was Thanksgiving 2017. We had a great day.
Our actual holiday started on the weekend with Emmie's family party...which was fun. We had a great turkey and wrapped up with a Candy Cane Hunt. It was a wonderful day!
Yesterday, we woke up around 7:00. I went for a brief job and we took care of a few things around the house. Then, we had a light breakfast, which was a nice way to start the day. We kicked back and watched the Macy's Day parade...which is always great.
After that, we headed to the Cape for Thanksgiving at Mark's house, which was fun. We got to see the extended family, which we haven't seen in some time. It was a great visit with excellent food and some great pies.
We brought my mom back in the evening and then settled back here. This was a fabulous Thanksgiving.
Saturday, November 18, 2017
The One With The Basketball Start
Today, a new sport started.
It was time for basketball
Always fun.
It was time for basketball
Always fun.
Saturday, November 11, 2017
The One With The Superbowl
Today Kiff's team played in the Flag Football Superbowl.
And, they won!
It was an amazing game!!!
And, they won!
It was an amazing game!!!
Saturday, November 4, 2017
The One With The Birthday
Yesterday was my birthday. It was quite enjoyable.
First, my mother surprised me with a small cake when I saw her in the morning. That was cute. Then, at school, several people found out and wished me a happy birthday as well as sent emails which is always a nice treat. Emmie was going to surprise me as well, but I told her to avoid that because we had the high school technical field trip.
When I got back, I had a slice of cake with me mom and we chatted for a while. I hgot a birthday call from my sister and birthday text from my brother.
We came home and went to the TX roadhouse, which is always fun. We came back and after Bri's field hockey, had some pie and watched some TV. Then, I caught the Celtics game and watched the C's beat the Thunder after being down by 18. I also noticed several shout-outs via Facebook!
All in all a great bday.
Saturday, October 28, 2017
The One With The Tenth Birthday
Yesterday was Kiff's 9th birthday. And was it an adventure. We had a fun day.
We had breakfast that I made - pancakes of course.
We visited the Go Karts in Salem. Always fun....and quiet.
We ate at Applebees.
We went to the park.
We had Jade's brought in for supper.
We opened gifts and did cake.
Overall, an awesome day!
The One With The Trip to Sturbridge
This past Sunday, we spend a day in Sturbridge. It was fun.
We did a variety of things including:
Visit the Yankee Peddler...it was a lot of fun being back there.
Go to the village. It was great to be back after a hiatus. We went on the river boat ride. We did the River Walk. We got lunch there. We also touched a few houses.
What was neat about the village is they were doing Halloween themes. Although we missed it, they were holding a version of a funeral as well as a history of Halloween event. And, we noticed they have Trick or Treat night back as well as the Legend of Sleepy Hollow night.
We at at Unos and then came home. Overall, a great day!
The One With Two Touchdowns
Last Saturday, Chiff had his best game in flag football. He had a game where he scored two touchdowns. He had a solid burst of speed.
The best part about it was that he had fun - and is beginning to understand how the game is played - which is awesome. He was able to kick it into second gear against the Chiefs when he turned the corner.
Here's looking forward to many other awesome games
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Saturday, October 14, 2017
The One With Town Wide Open House
This past week as the annual townwide open house. It was a blast. It was the first time we were able to go the entire time from 4:00 to 7:00 and was quite memorable.
Here are a few highlights:
• The Electric Company had rides in the bucket truck. Bri and Kiff looked great in that. They also had a chance for people to make cookies. Yum! The cookies tasted awesome.
• Town Hall is where the Police Department was stationed because their actual station is being renovated. There were a few cars to tour, great hot dog and chips that we ate (for a quick supper), and a dunk tank...where Bri and Kiff were able to dunk someone. We grabbed some popcorn and headed by trolley to the next stop.
• The trolley ride was packed, but nice. It was longer than most because Endicott Park was added as a stop.
• Endicott was fun. They had apple cider and cider sugar donuts (which tasted great!!!). There, Bri and Kiff decorated a pumpkin and grabbed a mini pumpkin).
• Our final stop was the Fire Department. Kiff dressed in full gear, including a 40 pound pack on his back. It looked great. Then, they went through the obstacle course.
Finally, it was 7:00 and time to go home! All an all, it was a fabulous experience. And a great open house.
Saturday, October 7, 2017
The One Where We Went Apple Picking
Last Sunday, we went apple picking at Russell's farm. It was our annual pilgrimage there and as always, it was a blast. We made sure to arrive early to beat the crowd and it worked.
We were able to take the hayride out and grab a bag filled with three different types of apples - Jangagold, Gala, and Cortland. Yum.
And of course, we got our apple cider donuts, too....double yum....but we were smart this time and got them before we started picking apples.
All in all, a great time! And great apples!
Monday, October 2, 2017
The One With the Celtics New Season
It is 7:40 PM on October 2, 2017. The new look Celtics with Kyrie Irving and Gordon Hayward are taking to the court.
It is weird. The tip is 7:41 and the Celtics won it. Irving and Hayward have already touched the ball.
It is hard to believe that a new era in Celtics basketball is starting.
I can only imagine what the future will hold for this team.
PS Jaylen Brown scored the first two points for this new look team.
Gordon Hayward,
Kyrie Irving,
Saturday, September 30, 2017
The One With The Red Sox Winning The AL East
It is 4:25 on Saturday September 30.
The Red Sox just won the AL East in a 6-3 win over the Astros (the same team they will face in the playoffs).
It is the first time the Sox have won back to back AL East titles.
Go Sox!
Box Score from Google
Saturday, September 23, 2017
The One Where We Balance and Egg on the Equinox
According to legend - perhaps even urban legend - it is believed that you can balance an egg (or balance an egg better depending on the source) on the Spring and Fall Equinox than any other time of the year.
While science cannot prove or disprove this fact - there is a great National Geographic Article on it - people have been testing it out for years. In school, I showed a video where a boy did this in 2009. And yesterday, a student sent me a video where he did it.
So, I figured, since yesterday was September 22 - the autumnal equinox for 2017 - why not give it a try.
And try we did. We tested it out in the kitchen and at first had little luck. However, Emmie proved to us that the egg could balance. She got it to balance for a good 30 seconds. Next, Kiff was able to do it and his was impressive...it lasted nearly two minutes. I got the egg to balance to a good 20 second. Bri, who was super frustrated she could not get it done, at last got it to balance and hers also went for 30 seconds.
So we proved yesterday that we could balance an egg on the equinox. It may not prove that an egg can balance on the equinox....but it did prove that we could have a lot of fun trying.
Sunday, September 17, 2017
The One With The Archaeological Dig
Today, we did something different.
We went to an archaeological dig. It was hosted by the Essex Heritage Trail, a great organization that brings history alive.
This was our first attempt trying something like this. We went to the Rebecca Nurse house and were treated to what it is like to dig, sift, and sort for items from a dig site. We had excellent students, workers, and a professor guiding us and sharing their knowledge. We learned that a property at the time ended to put trash by the beginning of a treeline and put it in a pit, then covered the pit with gravel....interesting!
Afterwards, we had a chance to use an atlatl - a neolithic tool used for hunting. It was fascinating.
Definitely an all start event. Looking forward to it again next year.
We went to an archaeological dig. It was hosted by the Essex Heritage Trail, a great organization that brings history alive.
This was our first attempt trying something like this. We went to the Rebecca Nurse house and were treated to what it is like to dig, sift, and sort for items from a dig site. We had excellent students, workers, and a professor guiding us and sharing their knowledge. We learned that a property at the time ended to put trash by the beginning of a treeline and put it in a pit, then covered the pit with gravel....interesting!
Afterwards, we had a chance to use an atlatl - a neolithic tool used for hunting. It was fascinating.
Definitely an all start event. Looking forward to it again next year.
Saturday, September 16, 2017
The One With Flag Football Opening Day
Today Kiff began his second flag football season. This year, he is on the 49ers. Coach Jim is a again coaching - which is great - and I joined the sidelines as well.
So far so good.
It was a blast. We took on the Cowboys today. Kiff was nervous....but showed that he still knew a few things!!!
And, we did well. We actually had two interceptions returned for touchdowns. It was only preseason, but quite a game.
Saturday, September 9, 2017
The One With the BC Football Game
Today we went to a BC Football game for the first time as a family. Emmie, Bri, and Kiff had never been to one.
Overall, we had fun. It did take a mini-ordeal to park because of the way that BC now handles traffic and parking for the game. But, once we trekked from off campus parking to campus, we were able to get to the game. It was quite a haul.
The game itself was fun. Well, at least the experience. We were up in the stratosphere in the XX section of Alumni Stadium. But, it was a pretty good view.
Unfortunately, the game itself was not so good - not that we were surprised, because we tend to attract losses.
We did get a chance to see the BC marching band with a solid tribute to Mary Poppins followed by the beloved "To Boston" theme. I learned it was the oldest fight song in the country.
Overall, a pretty good time. The only negative was some of the security "staff" for lack of a more appropriate term to describe the ineptness of the three we dealt with, were not helpful in allowing us to get across campus. That was SO FRUSTRATING.
Saturday, September 2, 2017
The One With Castle Creek
Today, we went to Castle Creek, an amusement area we have seen advertised for some time. Kiff had wanted to go, so we checked it out.
It was pretty neat...and quiet when we went early Saturday morning just after it opened. (good to know....it got busy by the time we left).
First, we checked out the go-carts. We had to get used to the electric type, but once we did, we zipped around the track. It was a pretty snazzy track at that.
Then, we played mini-golf. It was a fun course....but a lot of the balls took some pretty unusual rolls. Fun, though.
Then, we had some ice cream. They serve Richardsons there....always fun.
All in all, a great time.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
The One With a Busy Three Days
These past three days, we had the opportunity to enjoy Cape Cod once again. And we definitely enjoyed it.
1. Went to Land Ho! for lunch....always a favorite
2. Visited Chatham's Light House and beach with shark warning flag (borrowed from South African ones...a sample is below) . It is the first time I have ever seen that. How weird.
3. We toured Chatham, which Bri and Kiff liked.
4. Went to Nut Job 2....it was fun
5. Visited mom three times
6. Went to Go Karts in Harwich for the first time since I has about 8....what a blast!
7. Had breakfast at Bonnatts. That was fun.
8. Went to Mill Store and Yankee Doodle Shop
9. Got ice cream at School House and Holiday Hill
10. Went to Harwich Art Museum
1. Went to Land Ho! for lunch....always a favorite
2. Visited Chatham's Light House and beach with shark warning flag (borrowed from South African ones...a sample is below) . It is the first time I have ever seen that. How weird.
3. We toured Chatham, which Bri and Kiff liked.
4. Went to Nut Job 2....it was fun
5. Visited mom three times
6. Went to Go Karts in Harwich for the first time since I has about 8....what a blast!
7. Had breakfast at Bonnatts. That was fun.
8. Went to Mill Store and Yankee Doodle Shop
9. Got ice cream at School House and Holiday Hill
10. Went to Harwich Art Museum
Friday, August 11, 2017
The One With The Ode to the End of Summer
It has been a busy summer. Here is my ode to the end of the season.
Lots of travel
Lots to do
Lots of fun
For them and you
Hard to believe
Tis almost done
These balmy days
In the sun
Soon it will be
Time to go
Back to school
Before you know
It has been a busy summer. Here is my ode to the end of the season.
Lots of travel
Lots to do
Lots of fun
For them and you
Hard to believe
Tis almost done
These balmy days
In the sun
Soon it will be
Time to go
Back to school
Before you know
Saturday, July 22, 2017
The One With Another Busy Week
Phew...another fun - and busy week for the summer
Sunday: Cape Cod and then went to birthday party
Monday: Kiff's basketball camp and visit to the planes in Boston
Tuesday: Kiff's basketball camp and Emmie and I go out to eat
Wednesday: more basketball, out to lunch, saw Spider Man: Homecoming
Thursday: home cleanup and finished the bathroom
Friday: Cape Cod
Wow....busy, busy, busy
Sunday: Cape Cod and then went to birthday party
Monday: Kiff's basketball camp and visit to the planes in Boston
Tuesday: Kiff's basketball camp and Emmie and I go out to eat
Wednesday: more basketball, out to lunch, saw Spider Man: Homecoming
Thursday: home cleanup and finished the bathroom
Friday: Cape Cod
Wow....busy, busy, busy
Friday, July 14, 2017
The One With Grease is the Word
Today, Bri and Kiff did something they have never done before.
They were part of a play. During the past week, the attended a summer camp in Middleton and worked on a shortened version of the play Grease.
It was a blast.

Hard to believe, they were given a few lines to memorize on Monday and by today (Friday) they were able to put on their first stage performance.
It was pretty impressive. They both had solos in different parts. Bri's voice was actually solid and Kiff spoke up, flashing smiles throughout.
Bri liked it and would like to do it again. Kiff loved it and even mentioned he would miss doing it....experiencing his first post-performance let down. The acting bug has definitely bit him...and Bri as well.
Here's to many more performances.
Saturday, July 8, 2017
The One With The Busy Week
Wow...week one of summer vacation was busy:
Sunday: Cape Cod
Monday: Fireworks
Tuesday: Parade and Fireworks
Wednesday: Free
Thursday: New Hampshire
Friday: Santa's Village
Saturday: New Kids Concert
Thursday, June 29, 2017
The One With The Championship
Bri had an amazing week last week. Her team was in the playoffs.
And what a run it was.
Her first game was on Wednesday. Her team won that game 20-5, moving onto the championship game. Bri got two hits in the game and made a put out. She also played a mean catcher.
In the championship game, Bri played catcher again. She got a walk and made solid plays in the field and behind the plate.
But the nice part was, her team won the championship!!!
Bri became the first "champion" in our family unit.
Congrats B
And what a run it was.
Her first game was on Wednesday. Her team won that game 20-5, moving onto the championship game. Bri got two hits in the game and made a put out. She also played a mean catcher.
In the championship game, Bri played catcher again. She got a walk and made solid plays in the field and behind the plate.
But the nice part was, her team won the championship!!!
Bri became the first "champion" in our family unit.
Congrats B
Sunday, June 18, 2017
The One With a Happy Father's Day
Today is Father's Day. And, boy is it a wonderful day. I am truly blessed to be a dad.
We celebrated a beautiful day today:
• I woke up and we watched a show Bri and Kiff love called Flipped Vegas
• We played some video games
• I opened a couple of cool gifts - including Indiana Jones for Wii
• We went out for breakfast
• We took nice car ride and encountered a lost dog that found its way home
• We watched Dr. Strange
• We got a nice meal in
• We watched Celtics and Lakers 30 for 30.
Overall, a beautiful day.
And a happy father's day to you, Dad. I love you...and I miss you everyday!
Saturday, June 10, 2017
The One With the Busy Day
Wow, what a busy day!
We had:
Up at 5:15 AM
Bri's dance competition
Work In Between
Lunch at Chuck's Restaurant
Today is a #Exhausted Day
We had:
Up at 5:15 AM
Bri's dance competition
Work In Between
Lunch at Chuck's Restaurant
Today is a #Exhausted Day
Saturday, June 3, 2017
The One With The Busy Day
Today was busy
Baseball photos
Epilepsy Fundraiser
Baseball game
Clean up birthday
Ready for a long winters nap
Saturday, May 27, 2017
The One With The Other Recital
Another weekend, another recital.
Although, this time, it was not ours. It was Katie's recital. We went earlier today and enjoyed the show. It was the first time Kiff and I had gone to see it, and it was a lot of fun.
It is interesting to see how different dance schools treat recitals. This one was a little bit different. There were some scenes from plays and musicals worked into numbers, as well as a ballet section in the middle, and some neat gymnastics. Along with that, there was a mother dance and a father/daughter dance.
Very cool and very fun. Topped off with a visit to Fuddruckers.
Sunday, May 21, 2017
The One Where We Have The Recital
This weekend was a busy weekend - Recital Weekend in Lawrence. And both Bri and Kiff rocked it big time.
This year, the recital was at 4:30, so we learned a lesson from last year to be there about an hour early. However, next year, we will go for 1:30 early. There was still quite a line.
Once we got settled, the recital was - simply put - awesome. Bri was in two performances at the beginning of the recital. Then, Kiff had three dances and Bri one in the second half, which went so quickly.
The dances themselves were great. We had the whole family come out to watch as well, which was a blast for all of us.
Bri showed her typical determination to get every step right...and Kiff showed that he loved being the star of the show.
It was quite an exhausting day because we had a baseball game and softball pictures early in the day!
But overall, a great recital.
Saturday, May 20, 2017
The One Where The Celtics Get The Number One Pick
It is amazing.
Something that never happened before
And no one was too sure it was going to happen.
But as of this week, the Celtics - by virtue of the Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett trade
Earned the number 1 pick in the NBA lottery.
Go Celtics.
Monday, May 15, 2017
The One Where the Celtics Win
Congratulations to the Boston Celtics
They had quite a game 7 against the Washington Wizard tonight - May 15, 2017.
It was a solid bench effort and Kelly Olynyk was the hero of the game.
Onward to the Eastern Conference Finals!
Go Celtics!
Sunday, May 7, 2017
The One With The Birthday Weekend
It has arrived
The busy weekend
Star Wars Day
Cinco De Mayo
And the first weekend in May
The one where Bri meets double digits
It is hard to believe so much time has passed
So quickly
But it has arrived
A weekend with birthday parties
And memories
May the fourth be with you
Happy birthday Bri
Saturday, April 29, 2017
The One With Opening Day
Today was opening day for the Danvers Baseball and Softball season. Today, Bri and Kiff took part in the parade for their respective teams. It was a lot of fun.
The parade stepped off at 10:00, but things started at 9:30. We marched through town, with Bri going with the Ducks to Great Oak and Kiff going with the Cobras to Tapley.
After that, Kiff and our team had a game at 12:00 at highlands. It was quite impressive. In fact, we were able to play three innings. Our team is pretty solid and stacked.
Can't wait to see what the rest of the season brings
The parade stepped off at 10:00, but things started at 9:30. We marched through town, with Bri going with the Ducks to Great Oak and Kiff going with the Cobras to Tapley.
After that, Kiff and our team had a game at 12:00 at highlands. It was quite impressive. In fact, we were able to play three innings. Our team is pretty solid and stacked.
Can't wait to see what the rest of the season brings
Saturday, April 15, 2017
The One With Our First Visit to Fenway
Yesterday, we made out first visit as a family to Fenway Park. Sure, Emmie and I had been there before, but for Bri and Kiff, this was their first trip to the venerable park.
And it certainly didn't disappoint.
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Saturday, April 1, 2017
The One With The April Fool's Snow
Today is April Fool's Day.
Always fun.
However, today is unique. We are having a snow event which is always a weird thing...after all, the last April Fool's snow event was the blizzard in 1999.
Fortunately, today's snow event is a little bit smaller...with only a couple of inches.
But it is a reminder of what COULD happen!
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
The One With Mary Poppins Junior
This past weekend, I helped out
with the 21st annual play at Kennedy. This year, we were piloting
Mary Poppins Jr. What a blast!
Now truth be told, it is a fast
moving play. Epically fast. So, helping to run stage crew kept us quite busy.
But the crew was great. Even though it was a small crew – fortunately some of
the 9th graders came back to help – we ran it smoothly. Phew! But, it was quite an event.
The play itself was fun. It is a
version of the Broadway play, with more of the “Saving Mr. Banks” feel to it.
The sets were great. The acting and singing was phenomenal. And the dancing was
And, I made several memories.
First, Bri and Kiff helped out on a play and worked several major parts of it,
which was fun. Second, we were able to move in and out on more scenes then we
ever have before. Finally, the students in the production gave me a fantastic
Mary Poppins tie as a gift and a memory of this year….something I will always
All and all and fantastic play!
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
The One With the Peabody Essex Museum
This past weekend, we spent some time at the Peabody Essex Museum. It was a blast.
They had two exhibits that we were interested in seeing. Kiff has shown an interest in shoe design, so we explored the shoe exhibit (called "Shoes - Pain and Pleasure") they had. It was quite interesting. They had a variety of unique shoe designs from the 1100s to present there....included two pairs I was most interested in - jeweled golf shoes and a pair of Elton John boots. We learned a lot about shoes, from "binding shoes" used in China long ago (those sounded harsh) to elaborate shoes that were hard to walk in, to shoes that were totally decorative (including an "invisible" ghost shoe).
Bri has come to enjoy space (as has Kiff), so after a quick lunch at the Cafe (I miss the old Garden Restaurant), we went to visit the Moon exhibit. That was a lot of fun. There were different images of the moon throughout time.
We were able to find out how much we would weigh on the moon:
Kiff = 12 lbs
Bri = 17 lbs
Emmie = 23 lbs (which was not quite right)
Me = 32 lbs (also not quite right)
The kids also made really neat star lanterns.
All in all, it was a GREAT time.
Saturday, March 11, 2017
The One With The Wacky Week
What, what a wild week
There were warm days and cold days
We acted out the Battle of Crecy at school
It snowed
It was 60°F
I did a solo at Cub Scouts
We had flu and a concussion hit at home
We fixed the front door again
We figured out how to fix Emmie's back wiper finally
Good week....but exhausting
There were warm days and cold days
We acted out the Battle of Crecy at school
It snowed
It was 60°F
I did a solo at Cub Scouts
We had flu and a concussion hit at home
We fixed the front door again
We figured out how to fix Emmie's back wiper finally
Good week....but exhausting
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
The One With The Dance Competition
Last week, Bri was part of a dance competition in Boston. And it was quite a fun - but busy - weekend. We stayed in Boston as part of the competition, which made for a fun time. We had the chance to stay in the Copley Westin, which was quite nice and not our typical stay. We had a great view overlooking Boston.
Friday was a day to get acquainted and we ate at California Pizza.
Saturday, Bri had dance classes and then two dances to perform in competition. Their performance came in first place for one and second for the other. Kiff and I did a little exploring.
Sunday was wrap up day. Kiff and I went a little early because he was feeling blah. Bri had more classes and then watched the pros dance. One of the pros that taught her was Ashly from DWTS and another was the famous shark from Super Bowl 41.
All and all ...a good time.
Friday was a day to get acquainted and we ate at California Pizza.
Saturday, Bri had dance classes and then two dances to perform in competition. Their performance came in first place for one and second for the other. Kiff and I did a little exploring.
Sunday was wrap up day. Kiff and I went a little early because he was feeling blah. Bri had more classes and then watched the pros dance. One of the pros that taught her was Ashly from DWTS and another was the famous shark from Super Bowl 41.
All and all ...a good time.
Friday, February 24, 2017
The One With The Trip To Newport
Earlier this week we did an overnighter to Newport. It was a blast.
While we were there, we did:
Afternoon Tea at the Viking - great experience
Visit to the Audrain Auto Museum - awesome
Visit to the Elms - great mansion
Went to the pool
Went to some shops for the winter festival.
Overall, it was a great trip.
While we were there, we did:
Afternoon Tea at the Viking - great experience
Visit to the Audrain Auto Museum - awesome
Visit to the Elms - great mansion
Went to the pool
Went to some shops for the winter festival.
Overall, it was a great trip.
Saturday, February 18, 2017
The One With The Busy Week
What a busy week.
Dance classes
Going over friends
PTO meetings
So glad it is vacation.
What a busy week.
Dance classes
Going over friends
PTO meetings
So glad it is vacation.
Sunday, February 12, 2017
The One With The Eclipse
Last Friday (February 10), was a wild night. Bri had Dance. Kiff had a Cub Scout Blue and Gold. But perhaps just as interesting was what happened in nature.
That night, there was an astronomical triple fecta - a full Snow Moon, a penubral lunar eclipse, and a comet in the sky. Well, we were lucky to see two out of the three (clouds from an approaching snow event made it so we could not attempt to see the comet).
While the moon was beautiful, it was fascinating to see the eclipse. It was not your typical eclipse. In fact, you could see it approaching (there was a reddish cloud around the back of the moon). Now, the moon did not change too much, but in the top left corner, you could see a shadowy spot.
Not amazing....but very cool.
If you look at the picture below, you can see in the fuzzyness a small shadow in the top left corner. Definitely worth spending two minutes to look at as a family.
Fun times.
Monday, February 6, 2017
The One With The Super Bowl LI Win
Last night, the Patriots made Super Bowl history.
They made the greatest comeback ever.
They were down 28 -3 in the third quarter and were able to come back in win in the first ever Super Bowl over time game 34-28 (I predicted 35-28, Pats....pretty close).
Tom Brady set a record for most passing yards in a game with 466. James White had a record with 14 receptions - the most ever in a Super Bowl.
The Pats tied it up on a two point conversion at the end of regulation. Wow!
Overall, a pretty amazing game...perhaps the best Super Bowl ever!
Patriots Win,
Super Bowl,
Super Bowl 51
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
The One With The Date Night
Last week we finally had one. A date night for the first time in a long time.
Yay....but what a wacky date night it was. The plan was to go to the Outback restaurant and see La La Land.
Well, that became an adventure because the Outback was packed. So, we went to the Texas Roadhouse, which was also packed. We ended up at Panini Restaurant, eating a spinach and garlic pizza. Not quite the plan....but a great pizza, and a success.
When we went to AMC Cinemas, we arrived to find La La Land sold out. Great. Luckily, we were able to track down a show in Salem. Phew!
Turns out Salem has great popcorn. The movie was good....but it was definitely a disappointing ending. However, the evening itself was fun and memorable...even if it took a wild turn.
Saturday, January 28, 2017
The One With The Busy Week
Wow, what a week this was
4 Dance Practices
2 After School Meetings
1 Basketball Game
1 Baseball Practice
1 Date Night
1 Furniture deliver (two new couches...yay).
1 wild week!
4 Dance Practices
2 After School Meetings
1 Basketball Game
1 Baseball Practice
1 Date Night
1 Furniture deliver (two new couches...yay).
1 wild week!
Friday, January 20, 2017
The One With Donald Trump as President
Today is the day.
January 20th....it has arrived at last.
Inauguration Day
Donald Trump is president. He had planned not to have a ceremony with a lot of pomp and circumstance.
Of course, this one is now costing more than $100 million dollars.
I can only imagine what the next four years will be like.
Monday, January 9, 2017
The One With The Providence Bruins
Yesterday we had the opportunity to attend our first pro hockey game as a family. Bri and Kiff's school had a Providence Bruins event.
While it was certainly a hike to get there, the event was well worth it. Bri - whose favorite team is the Bruins - was ecstatic. The game itself was a bit slow for two periods, but the third period was fast and furious.
We were able to see several people who could be on the Bruins in the future, including Accari, Heinen, and Kuraly. And, Khudobin, just called down from Boston, was the goalie.
The only downfall was the parking - ugh! It took forever to get out - or so it seemed - so we went to Uno's while we waited.
Definitely a very memorable event!
While it was certainly a hike to get there, the event was well worth it. Bri - whose favorite team is the Bruins - was ecstatic. The game itself was a bit slow for two periods, but the third period was fast and furious.
We were able to see several people who could be on the Bruins in the future, including Accari, Heinen, and Kuraly. And, Khudobin, just called down from Boston, was the goalie.
The only downfall was the parking - ugh! It took forever to get out - or so it seemed - so we went to Uno's while we waited.
Definitely a very memorable event!
Saturday, January 7, 2017
The One With Snow
At last
It arrived
The first big snow...earlier today.
It was fluffy and light
The best type
And we are enjoying it
It arrived
The first big snow...earlier today.
It was fluffy and light
The best type
And we are enjoying it
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