Monday, January 20, 2014

The One Where The Patriots Lose

Yesterday, Bri and Kiff engaged if their first official NFL Football Postseason activity. They actually watched a postseason game with us.

Now, sure, I know what you're thinking. What true, self-respecting fan, would hide their kids from the joys of postseason football for several years. Well, it was not like we were is just that they lack interest in watching it for a sustained period of time.

But, we were able to change all that. It wasn't perfect. The presence of Word Girl on TV in another room was a distraction, but they did watch the game with us. The presence of snacks - mostly healthy - helped to keep them firmly entrenched in their seats. And, they asked some pretty good questions about the game.

"If the bad guys are orange, why are they winning?" Kiff asked about the Pats opponents.

"What is a flag?" Bri asked. "And why should they throw in?"

"What does NE mean?" Kiff asked....well he actually pointed to NE.

"Who do you think is a bonehead?" Bri asked.

"Should you actually say THAT word?" Bri later asked...about a decidedly different word.

Needless to say, it was a fun, first, prolonged exposure to playoff football. They got to feel the intensity and fun of the game.

Too bad the right team didn't least for us.

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